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Results 4131-4140 of 9711 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Patients’ perceptions on the attire of medical students and its associated factors in the medical wards of Teaching Hospital JaffnaMadhubhashini, S.; Piranavan, S.; Sivarajah, T.; Kumaran, S.; Kumarendran, B.
2015Pattern of Young Stroke in a Tertiary Care Centre in Northern Sri Lanka.Arasalingam, A.; Kumanan, T.; Kamalakkannan, K.; Wimalawardhana, R.M.M.P; Thillainathan, V.; Vijeyaratnam, D.
2016A Post-menopausal lady with empty sella syndromeVithiya, Ratnasamy; Suganthan, N.; Gowry, Selvaratnam; Kumanan, T.
2018Amoebic liver abscess and indigenous alcoholic beverages in the tropicsKumanan, T.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai
2018Acinetobacter prevertebral abscess;Presenting as dysphagia in a diabetic patient.Manmathan, R.; Kumanan, T.; Pradeepan, J.A.
2015Adult polycystic kidney disease and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: a rare genetic associationMariathasan, D.A.L.; Kumanan, T.
2016An acute coronary event due to vasospasm in a young healthy male with normal epicardial vesselsSeneviratne, T.S.P.; Kumanan, T.; Logeswaran, M.; Guruparan, M.
2019Implications of new Hypertension Guidelines on resource poor healthcare systemsSreeharan, N.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, K.; Guruparan, M.
2016Spontaneous hydropneumopericardiumKumanan, T.; Pirasath, S.
2021A descriptive study of patients with Transient Ischaemic Attacks who are registered in the Sri Lanka Stroke Clinical Registry – Data from Teaching Hospital Jaffna from 2018 to 2021 (44 months).Paherathy, A.; Suramiya, A.A.A.; Thivacaren, S.; Shiyananth, S.; Arasalingam, A.