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Results 4041-4050 of 9711 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Students' motivation to study and its association with psychological needs support among students of University of JaffnaAranja, Y.; Geerthana, G.; Williams, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2013Healthy village:A cost effective innovationSurenthirakumaran, R.
1989Re-infestation of intestinal nematodes in a peri-urban populationNageswaran, C.; Sivarajah, N.
2021Polycystic ovary syndrome, combined oral contraceptives, and the Risk of Dysglycemia: a population-based cohort study with a nested pharmacoepidemiological case-control studyKumarendran, B.; O'Reilly, Michael W.; Subramanian, Anuradhaa; Ĺ umilo, Dana; Toulis, Konstantinos; Gokhale, Krishna M.; Wijeratne, Chandrika N.; Coomarasamy, Arri; Tahrani, Abd A; Azoulay, Laurent; Arlt, Wiebke; Nirantharakumar, Krishnarajah
2018Influence of socio-demographic factors and institutional infrastructure facilities on satisfaction of pregnant mothers attending ante-natal clinics in the Nallur MOH areaDissanayake, D.M.I.M.; Illangasinghe, U.S.; Nachinarkiniyan, C.S.; Sivakanthan, S.; Bavani, G.
2021Knowledge, attitude, and practice on school based sexual and reproductive education among teachers, in Jaffna Educational Zone, JaffnaJayasinghe, J.M.M.C.; Thabotharan, Deivy; Nithlavarnan, A.
2020Online video gaming and associated personal and academic factors among G.C.E. A/L students of Jaffna Educational DivisionHamsavakini, N.; Dhadchayini, R.; Samarasinghe, S.A.N.D.; Murali, V.; Menaka, S.
2018Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding sexual health among students in National College of Education, JaffnaVithushan, Y.; Sanjeevan, D.; Sivapalan, K.; Nachinarkiniyan, S.
2018Prevalence of substance abuse and associated factors on substance abuse among G.C.E Advanced Level students in the Nallur Educational DivisionKamaladshan, S.; Thusiya, A.; Sivakanthan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2020Association of availability of healthcare resources and training provided for PHMs on cervical screening coverage in Jaffna districtSanthirakanth, S.; Hetharany, M.; Wijeweera, K.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Rajeev, G.