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Results 3381-3390 of 9642 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Effects of different preservation methods on pH, glucose and protein in urineTharsikayini, A.; Arasaratnam, V.; Kandeepan, K.
2018Study on the concrete quality analysis for water retaining structures in monaragalaSabri, I.L.M.
2021Small and Medium Enterprises’ Impact on Achieving the Sustainability in Agricultural Sector for Rural DevelopmentGunasekara, A.N.N.M.
2021Potential use of Chlorella sp. Grown in Parboiled Effluent on Growth and Yield of Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica L.)Saththivel, P.; Jeyakumar, K.; Gnanavelrajah, N.; Ketheesan, B.
2021Comparison of Proximate and Nutrient Analysis of Selected Accessions of True Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) at Different Maturity LevelsSujani, L.M.S.; Wijeweera, A.A.; Sinthuja, L.P.; Tharanga, K.H.G.M.; Widanapathirana, C.U.
2021Principal Component and Correlation Analysis of Groundnut Germplasm (Arachis hypogaea.L.) towards Pod Filling AbilitySenaweera, S.A.C.H.; Thirukkumaran, G.; Arasakesary, S.J.; Balasooriya, R.
2021Identification of Suitable Spacing and Herbicides for Dry Drilled Seeded Rice CultivationChristina, L.; Sivaneson, S.; Anusiya, M.
2021Modified Atmospheric Packaging (MAP) Extends the Postharvest Life of Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers Fresh LeavesKumara, B.A.M.S.; Menike, G.D.N.; Samarasinghe, Y.M.P.
2021Toxic Effect of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Milky Mangrove (Excoecaria agallocha L.) on Larvae of Mosquito (Aedes aegypti) and Brackish Fish (Etroplus suratensis)Ekanayake, E.M.U.I.; Palihakkara, I.R.
2021Spatial and Temporal Variation of Groundwater Quality at the Waste Management Site of Kotavila, Matara DistrictTharupath, K.M.C.; Wijetunga, S.