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Results 1991-2000 of 9638 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Improvement study of grid-connected wind-farm using Static Var Compensators (SVC)Tennakoon, A.P.; Arulampalam, A.; Ekanayake, J.B.
2012-10Study of Northern Province Medium Voltage Network Interconnection with the Sri Lankan Power GridAnanthasingam, A.; Shailajah, R.; Yoganathan, N.; Arunprasanth, S.; Arulampalam, A.; Fernando, M.A.R.M.
2003-05Application Study of a STATCOM with Energy StorageArulampalam, A.; Ekanayake, J.B.; Jenkins, N.
2016Unsupervised learning of transcriptional regulatory networks via latent tree graphical modelsGitter, A.; Huang, F.; Valluvan, R.; Fraenkel, E.; Anandkumar, A.
2011Operational Challenges of Low Power Hydro PlantsAtputharajah, Arulampalam
2018Long-term solar irradiance forecasting approaches a comparative studySharika, W.; Fernando, L.; Kanagasundaram, A.; Valluvan, R.; Kaneswaran, A.
2012Semi-parametric vertex set prediction for dynamic networks using latent tree modelsValluvan, R.; Almquist, Z.; Butts, C.; Anandkumar, A.
2014A Prefeasibility Study on Ocean Wave Power Generation for the Southern Coast of Sri Lanka: Electrical FeasibilityAmarasekara, H.W.K.M.; Abeynayake, P.A.G.S.; Fernando, M.A.R.M.; Atputharajah, A.; Udanwaththa, D.M.A.R.; Gunawardane, S.D.G.S.P.; Gerdin, L.; Keijser, M.R.; Fahraeus, M.W.; Fernando, I.M.K.; Cooray, V.
2012Modeling dynamic social networks with vertex evolution via latent graphical modelsValluvan, R.; Almquist, Z.W.; Anandkumar, A.; Butts, C.T.
2012Latent graphical model selection: efficient methods For locally tree-like graphsAnandkumar, A.; Valluvan, R.