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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 142
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Status, Importance and Future Perspective of Naa tree (Mesua ferrea) in Nagancholai Area of Dry zone of Mullaitivu District in Sri Lanka.Sasika, Y.G.S.W.; Sivachandiran, S.; Jeyavanan, K.; Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G.; Sivananthawerl, T.
2023The effects of different vermiwash on the cultivation of Spirulina platensisRukshila, K.A.D.T.; Gunawardhana, D.M.M.K.; Varthani, S.; Jeyavanan, K.; Vijayarasa, J.T.
2019Design and diagnosis of automated crop management system for organic agricultureRobinroy, P.V.; Nivetha, S.; Sivagini, K.; Nobert, J.; Kalaineethan, T.; Jeyavanan, K.
2019Vegetation Change Detection in Mullaitivu District by using Remote Sensing and GIS TechniquesRajeevan, R.; Jeyavanan, K.; Sivachandiran, S.; Sivananthawerl, T.
2023Socioeconomic Sustainability of Chena Cultivation in the Forested Land of Hambantota District, Sri LankaPromod, C.W.; Jeyavanan, K.; Sivananthawerl, T.
2019Prospects of homegarden agroforestry in conservation of biodiversity and increasing of carbon stock in Jaffna DistrictJeyavanan, K.; Pushpakumara, G.; Sivachandiran, S.; Weerahewa, J.; Sivananthawerl, T.
2017Height and Diameter Relationship of Tectona Grandis L. in Mullaitivu District of Sri LankaSatheesan, T.; Sivachandiran, S.; Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G; Jeyavanan, K.
2021Assessment of Assisted Natural Regeneration in Anuradhapura district, Sri LankaGalatumpage, T. R.; Jeyavanan, K.; Sivananthawerl, T.
2021Effects of Goat manure, Compost Tea and Gliricidia Leaf Extract on Growth and Yield Performance of Sessile Joyweed (Alternanthera sessilis)Sewwandi, V.H.P.; Viharnaa, R.; Jeyavanan, K.; Sritharan, S.
2021Can homegardens assist in enhancing the domestic food security?’ A study in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri LankaLowe, W.A.M.; Sinniah, J.; Jeyavanan, K.; Silva, G.L.L.P.; Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G.
2021Floristic Diversity and Carbon Stock Estimates of a Novel Community Forest Ecosystem in Sri LankaThirukumaran, U.; Jeyavanan, K.; Sivananthawerl, T.
2019Aboveground Carbon Stock and Tree Diversity in the Tropical Dry Forest of Sri Lanka.Jeyavanan, K.; Geekiyanage, N.; Iqbal, M.C.M.; Kumarathunage, M.D.P.; Sivachandiran, S.; Sivananthawerl, T.; Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G.
2018Conservation of Threaten species in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka: Biodiversity, Adaptation, Food security and LivelihoodsJeyavanan, K.; Sivachandran, S.; Sivananthawerl, T.; Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G.
2019Diversity of underutilized crops in northern Sri Lanka: Conservation and management strategiesJeyavanan, K.; Sritharan, S.
2023Review of the Responses of Various Soil Amendments in Sandy SoilsJayathilini, D.L.D.C.; Eeswaran, R.; Srikrishnah, S.
2023Effect of Defoliation on Growth and Yield of Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus l.)Joynirogan, J.; Geretharan, T.; Srikrishnah, S.; Raveenthira, V.; Eeswaran, R.
2019Analysis of Temporal Stability of Soil Moisture in a Long-Term Agroecological Research ExperimentEeswaran, R.; Ines, A.V.M.
2019-11Testing of a Climate-Resilient and Eco-Friendly Crop Management Package on a Representative Range of Crops through Farmer-Participatory Adaptive Research in the Northern Province of Sri LankaEeswaran, R.; De Costa, J.; De Costa, D.; Dandeniya, W.
2019Development of a decision support model for the management of fungal ear rot and associated mycotoxin contamination in corn grainInes, A.V.M.; Singh, M.; Chilvers, M.; Han, E.; Kpodo, J.; Jha, P. K.; Eeswaran, R.; Fusilier, K.
2021Promoting Justice, Equity, Diversity,and Inclusion (JEDI) - Efforts of the Agronomy, Crop and Soil Sciences Graduate Student CommitteeBoyle, P.; Tancredi, M. T.; Eeswaran, R.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 142