Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 99 of 99
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Assessment of soil loss and nutrient depletion due to Cassava harvesting; A case study from low input traditional agriculture | Sumithra, R.; Thushyanthy, M.; Srivaratharasan, T. |
2013 | Evaluation of lab scale constructed wetlands to treat the toddy distillery effluent with different aquatic plants | Bama, P.; Thushyanthy, M.; Alvaappillai, P.; Pirabhaharan, M. |
2013 | Seasonal variation of water table and groundwater quality of the karst aquifer of the Jaffna Peninsula – Sri Lanka | Joshua, W.D.; Thushyanthy, M.; Nanthagoban, N. |
2012 | Characterization of irrigation water quality of Chunnakam aquifer in Jaffna peninsula | Sutharsiny, A.; Pathmarajah, S.; Thushyanthy, M.; Meththika, V. |
2012 | Assessment of groundwater resources in Jaffna limestone aquifer | Thushyanthy, M.; Shanthi De Silva, C. |
2010 | Estimation of aquifer parameters of limestone aquifers- A case study in Thirunelvely and Kondavil of the Jaffna district | Shanthi De Silva, C.; Mikunthan, T. |
2009 | The effect of agriculture on quality of groundwater: A case study | Jeyaruba, T.; Thushyanthy, T. |
2010 | Sensitivity of crop and soil parameters in estimation of groundwater recharge using an improved soil moisture balance method | Thushyanthy, T.; Shanthi De Silva, C. |
2010 | Performance evaluation of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) under drip irrigation system | Jayapiratha, V.; Thushyanthy, T.; Sivakumar, S. |
2010 | Irrigation water quality based on hydro chemical analysis, Jaffna, Sri Lanka | Nishanthiny, S.C.; Thushyanthy, T.; Barathithasan, T.; Saravanan, S. |
2009 | Estimation of groundwater recharge in limestone aquifer using an improved soil moisture balance method: A case study in Jaffna district | Mikunthan, T.; Shanthi De Silva, C. |
2008 | Yield performance of Red onion (Allium ascalonium. L) under different irrigation management in Jaffna peninsula | Thushyanthy, T.; Srivaratharasan, T. |
2008 | Vulnerability assessment for shallow aquifers using chemical quality of groundwater: A case study from Thirunelvely and Kondavil in Jaffna district | Mikunthan, T.; Shanthi De Silva, C. |
2008 | Quality of groundwater under different land uses: A case study in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka | Nanthagoban, N.; Thushyanthy, T. |
2007 | Conservation of groundwater to its sustainable use in Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka | Thushyanthy, M. |
2007 | Modelling of rainfall: A measurable tool in sustainable agriculture | Thushyanthy, T. |
2012-07-20 | Impact Assessment on House Reconstruction of Two Funding Systems | Alvaappillai, P.; Prabhaharan, M.; Mikunthan, T. |
2001 | Some physico-chemical characters of groundwater in some (selected) water supply wells in the Jaffna peninsula | Nanthini, T.; Mikunthan, T.; Vijayaratnam, R. |
2010 | Performance evaluation of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) under drip irrigation system | Jayapiratha, V.; Thushyanthy, M.; Sivakumar, S.; Mikunthan, T. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 99 of 99