Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 99
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2021 | Quality Rice Flour Production for Extruded Products through Wet-Milling | Ihsana Farwin, M.H.; Prabhaharan, M. |
2021 | Effect of Submerged Aeration on Soaking Water and Grain Characteristics of Paddy Parboiling Process | Neshankine, C.; Kannan, N. |
2021 | A Comprehensive Evaluation Of Oxygen Dynamics And Paddy Hydration During Conventional Soaking Of Paddy Parboiling Process | Neshankine, C.; Kannan, N. |
2020 | Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Trend of Groundwater Salinity in Jaffna Peninsula and Its Link to Paddy Land Abandonment | Tharani, G.; Kumar, L.; Mikunthan, T. |
2020 | Climate Change Impacts on Surface Runoff and Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change: A Case of Mundeni Aru Lower River Basin in Sri Lanka | Rajagopalasingam, V.; Mikunthan, T.; Sivakumar, S.S. |
2021 | Geo-statistical approach for prediction of groundwater quality in Chunnakam aquifer, Jaffna Peninsula | Sutharsiny, A.; Manthrithilake, H.; Selvarajah, P.; Mikunthan, T.; Meththika, V. |
2016 | Efficiency of Micro Filtration and Oxidation on Removal of lron & Manganese in Groundwater and Surface Water | Jancika, G.; Mikunthan, T.; Saravanan, S.; Gunalan, K. |
2017 | Assessment of water quality index of groundwater quality in Chunnakam and Jaffna Town, Sri Lanka | Harshan, S.; Thushyanthy, M.; Gunatilake, J.; Srivaratharasan, T.; Gunalan, K. |
2019 | Risk of Groundwater Pollution In Open Dug Wells In The Pungudutivu Island Of The Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka | Pathmaja, S.; Dharmagunawardhane, H.A.; Senthilnanthanan, M.; Mikunthan, T.; Rajasooriyar, L.D. |
2014 | Assessment of Nitrate-N contamination by DRASTIC empirical model in the Chunnakam aquifer system, Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka | Meththika, V.; Thushyanthy, M.; Pathmarajah, S.; Sutharsiny, A. |
2020 | A Cost Effective Electrocoagulation System for Improving Drinking Water Quality | Thabojanan, T.; Thusyanthy, M.; Saravan, S.; Senthilnanthanan, M.; Eswaramohan, T.; Gajapathy, K.; Surendran, S.N. |
2020 | Analysis of Residual Chlorine Concentration in Water Distribution System in Vavuniya District | Thinarthika, T.; Mikunthan, T.; Prabhaharan, M.; Saravanan, S. |
2020 | Removal of algae by sonicator: a case study from per Aru reservoir | Thurkka, T.; Mikunthan, T.; Thavaranjit, A.C.; Anoja, N. |
2020 | Seasonal variation of rainfall in Vadamaradchi area in Jaffna District Sri Lanka | Sellathurai, T.; Mikunthan, T.; Sivakumar, S.S.; Karunainathan, T. |
2020 | Drought Analysis Using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI): A Case Study in Jaffna Peninsula in Sri Lanka | Sellathurai, T.; Venugoban, K.; Sivakumar, S.S.; Mikunthan, T. |
2018 | Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Growth Parameters of Eggplant | Sayanthan, S.; Thiruvaran, T.; Kannan, N. |
2017 | Measurement of Crop Water Requirement for Eggplant with the Assistance of Low Cost Arduino Soil Moisture Investigator | Sayanthan, S.; Thiruvaran, T.; Kannan, N. |
2017 | Effect of Two Wheel Tractor Mounted Tillage Implements on Selected Soil Properties | Luxshana, T.; Kannan, N.; Prabhaharan, M. |
2018 | Changes in Soil Properties due to Tillage by Four Wheel Tractor Mounted Tillage Implements | Luxshana, T.; Kannan, N.; Prabhaharan, M. |
2021 | Thermodynamics And Rate Limiting Factor Analysis Of Methylene Blue Adsorption By Selected Bioserbents | Jayasuriya, N.; Kannan, N. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 99