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dc.contributor.authorHassan, S.S.M.G.
dc.description.abstractconflict Management strategies (cMS) refers to the intemal mechanism used by the individual or a group in resolving.orfil;;.i;;ugirg .onniul11; ;;;";i to eliminate negative outcomes' Effective CMS may leads to better performanc€ Uy .rr.o#uging employees and it will leads to enhance individual, team and organizational performanF th"@, aim oi*ris study is to examine the impact of eMS on performanie of Academic sarr lrasj of state universities in sri Lailka with dle data collected from l l97 academics from all ls';to;sri Lankan universities through self-developed structured questionnaire. ih; findings revealed that integrating (ra.29a;p:0'000), obliging (10272;p0.000) *d.ompromirire GO.:60; p=O.OOOl rtru*gfts fru:v. significant positive relationship with pAS. Integrating sfratery was mostly used whiie forcing strategy-was less iikely used by academics staffin Sri Lankan Staie Universities. end those who ari manied, age beryee1 5l-60 years' possess ph.D qualification, 1,.l,; ;b;r. iS y.*, of t"*it. and currently-working in the capacity of Senior professor mostly use integrating stategy tfr* otftt respondents.idot"o"t, integating (SRW:0'247;p0.000), obliging tsn*a.zr6; p=o.d'oo) *a.o*pto*ising (SRW:0'397;P:0'000) strategies have significant impact on naS.S*ty found , tigrin.*'ditrerJnge between penonal variables such as length of service, monthly net income ani academic position on all five conflict management strategies (forcing, integrating, obliging,-avoiding and co-mqro^mising)' But there is no signiflcant difference between manied and unmarri.a."tpor[t tt on boih forcin[ and f iidi'g stategies: while a sipificant different was observea **ong-ilJ. and female.:: bofl, avoiding and compromising strategies. Study also found a significant aitfrt"t". between different educational qualification and age groups on forcing,,integrating *a *-p.omising strategies. Further study identified a significant aitr renie between all personal variables on PAS.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Jaffnaen_US
dc.subjectConflict managementen_US
dc.subjectConflict management strategiesen_US
dc.subjectAcademic staffen_US
dc.titleConflict management strategies on performance of academic staff in srilankan state universitiesen_US
Appears in Collections:Research Publication- FGS

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