Browsing by Author Thuvaragan, S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 56  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different solvent extractions of leaves and bark of Erythrina variegataThuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Bandaranayaka, T.D.; Horshington, A.S.; Fernando, K.M.O.
2024Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different solvent extractions of leaves and bark of Erythrina variegataThuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Bandaranayaka, T.D.; Horshington, A.S.; Fernando, K.M.O.
2024Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different solvent extractions of leaves and bark of Erythrina variegataThuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Bandaranayaka, T.D.; Horshington, A.S.; Fernando, K.M.O.
2021Association of factors on parental knowledge and practice regarding Anthelmintic drugs in a Tertiary Hospital, Sri LankaThanujah, M.; Nivethika, B.; Coonghe, P.A.D.; Manoji Gitanjali, S.; Thuvaragan, S.
2020Association of socio demographic and educational factors on knowledge and attitudes on the role of community pharmacist in healthcare system among the science students of University of JaffnaThilaxy, T.; Clindon, N.; Thuvaragan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2024Attitude and Practice on Herbal Usage for Prevention and Management of COVID-19 among Diabetic Patients at Tertiary Hospital in Sri LankaThuvaragan, S.; Fathima Bushra, C.; Fathima Hanza, M.; Shelomi Rachel, O.; Vinotha, S.
2020Attitudes and perceptions about the role of a clinical pharmacist in In-patient management among nurses at a tertiary government hospital, Sri LankaClindon, N.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thuvaragan, S.
2020Attitudes towards dispensing errors among state pharmacists and dispensers in Jaffna districtD.M.S.M.K, Danapala; Thuvaragan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thiyahiny, S.N.
2021Attitudes, practice and perceived barriers on pharmaceutical care among state pharmacists in Northern Province, Sri LankaDarshika, T.G.U.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thuvaragan, S.
2020Bacterial contamination of used eye drops and knowledge on safe usage among glaucoma patients at tertiary hospital, Sri LankaNajal, Tharminy; Chandrakumar, S.T.S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.J.; Thuvaragan, S.
2021Comparative evaluation of antibacterial activity of solvent fractions and essential oil of Cyperus rotundus L. rhizomesThuvaragan, S.; Nishadini, N.V.C.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Srikaran, R.
2021Comparative evaluation of imported and local brands of drug information leaflets of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs available in community pharmacies in Jaffna Municipal areaAlahakoon, A.A.D.A.M.; Thuvaragan, S.; Sanchayan, K.
2021Comparative Evaluation of in - vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Sap, Fruit bulb, and Root of Borassus flabelliferThuvaragan, S.; Jeyasinghe, H.M.P.M.; Murugananthan, A.
2021Comparative Evaluation of Metformin Hydrochloride Brands Available in Sri LankaLakmali, E.M.M.S.; Thanujah, M.; Thuvaragan, S.; Kuruppu, K.D.A.
2023Comparative evaluation of quality of different brands of Amoxicillin capsules available in community pharmacies in Jaffna, Sri LankaAbeysinghe, M.D.; Zahra, M.F.F.; Thuvaragan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Senadeera, H.K.P.A.
2021Comparative Quality Evaluation of Different Brands of ‘Triphala’: A Polyherbal Medicine in Sri LankaRamitha, P.; Thuvaragan, S.; Vinotha, S.; Srikaran, R.; Nahmagal, K.
2017Comparative study on acid neutralizing capacities and prices of selected antacid suspensions available in Jaffna, Sri LankaThivyaluxmy, S.; Thuvaragan, S.
2020Developemnt of antibacterial herbal gel containing leaves extracts of acalypha indica and eclipta albaSamsun Nisha, A.B.; Thivya, J.; Thuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Manoranjan, T.
2020Development of antibacterial herbal gel containing leaves extracts of Acalypha indica and Eclipta albaSamsun Nisha, A.B.; Thivya, J.; Thuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.J.; Manoranjan, T.
2021Development of pictograms regarding medication use and lifestyle modification for diabetic patients in Teaching Hospital JaffnaJeyaraman, R.; Thuvaragan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.