Browsing by Author Sujanitha, V.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Amoebic liver abscess and indigenous alcoholic beverages in the tropicsKumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Balakumar, S.; Sreeharan, N.
2020Amoebic liver abscess: a neglected tropical diseaseKumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Sreeharan, Nadarajah
2020Anaemia in elders: a hospital based pilot studyJenosha, I.; Sujanitha, V.; Kumanan, T.
2020Bone marrow examination – Evaluating indications & diagnostic yield at a tertiary care hospital in Northern Province, Sri LankaSooriyakumar, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Kumanan, T.; Arthy, H.
2020Bone Marrow Examination: An audit from a tertiary care centre in Northern Sri LankaSooriyakumar, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Arthy, H.; Kumanan, T.
2020Changing role of warfarin in a cardiology outpatient department - A single centre experience from a state tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka.Jenosha, I.; Sujanitha, V.; Kumanan, T.; Guruparan, M.; Pratheepa, K.
2018Cheilitis: An unusual presentation of Mucocutaneous LeishmaniasisSujanitha, V.; Kumanan, T.; Felicia, S.; Suganthan, N.
2021Conservatively managed spontaneous chylous ascites in a non alcoholic cirrhotic patient – case report and literature reviewJoseph Anne, D.D.; Sujanitha, V.; Kumanan, T.
2019Dengue complicated by acute Haemolysis, Methaemoglobinemia, hepatitis and Rhabdomyolysis in a patient with G6PD deficiencyArjun, R.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Sooriyakumar, T.; Ratnayake, R. M. U. K. B.; Anuruththan, A.
2019Duodenal biopsy: an unexpected confirmatory test for a patient with al-amyloidosisPirasath, S.; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.; Sujanitha, V.; Dikowita, D.D.
2020Extensive Superior Vena Caval Territory Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism: a rare clinical entity of haemorrhagic pancreatitisThineskaran, P.; Abiramy, K.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Selvaratnam, G.
2018Extensive Tumoral Calcinosis of ElbowKumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Pirasath, S.; Rajendra, S.; Gobishanger, T.; Jenil, A.A.
2019Factors Associated with Visit-to-Visit Variability of Blood Pressure Measured as Part of Routine Clinical Care among Patients Attending Cardiology Outpatient Department of a Tertiary Care Centre in Northern Sri LankaKumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Guruparan, M.; Rajeshkannan, N.
2020Fall risk status and its associated factors among elderly patients attending medical clinics at Teaching Hospital JaffnaGohulan, T.; Keerthana, C.; Sabras, J.; Coonghe, P. A. D.; Sujanitha, V.
2019A family with hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness and renal disease (Barakat syndrome) caused by a reduced gene dosage in GATA3Joseph Anne, D. D.; Sirisena Nirmala, D.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.
2020Hypertension in a surgical patient - a Sri Lankan perspectiveKumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Guruparan, M.; Premakrishna, S.; Sutharshan, V.
2021Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy with Erythrocytosis: an unusual associationPiratheepan, N.; Sujanitha, V.; Suganthan, N.; Sooriyakumar, T.; Malaravan, M.
2019The impact of population mobility on dengue fever: an experience from northern Sri LankaKumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Rajeshkannan, Nadarajah
2019The iron and testosterone levels in amoebic liver abscess patients - a preliminary study from northern Sri LankaArujun, R.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.
2020Knowledge and practice of edible salt usage among female staff of the Jaffna Municipal CouncilSaravanan, R.; Dinushiyan, V.; Hidhayathullah, M. N. N.; Kumarendran, B.; Sujanitha, V.