Browsing by Author Sounthararajan, K.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Agathiyar kuzhambu (herbo-mineral siddha formulation)Rakulini, R.; Sounthararajan, K.; Sundararajan, S.
2024Analysis of Salt Forms used in Siddha MedicineRakulini, S.; Sounthararajan, K.
2018Anti bacterial screening and anatomy of the wood of Bombax ceibaNirosh, R.; Niranjan, K.; Ravimannan, N.; Sounthararajan, K.
2013Antimicrobial Effects of Aqueous Seed Extract of Strychnos potatorumSounthararajan, K.; Thavaranjit, A.C.; Tharmila, S.; Sivarangini, S.
2012Antimicrobial study of different methods of purified SulphurSounthararajan, K.; Tharmila, S.; Arulanantham, C.T.
2016Diagnosis of signs of death according to Naadi reading (pulse): a literature studyRasanantham, N.; Sounthararajan, K.
2016Efficacy Of "Thuthikeerai" (Abutilon Indicum) In "Moolanoi" (Haemorrhoids)Sounthararajan, K.; Sivarangini, S.; Sivalathajini, V.
2016Efficacy Of "Thuthikeerai" (Abutilon Indicum) In "Moolanoi" (Haemorrhoids)Sounthararajan, K.; Sivarangini, S.; Sivalathajini, V.
2014Efficacy of Thuthikeerai in Moola NoiSounthararajan, K.; Sivarangini, S.
2018Efficacy of Yogasana and Pranayama in Viriperukkanaalam - case studyJenany, T.; Thanuraj, P.; Sounthararajan, K.
2025An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in Thoranamalai Hill in Thirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, IndiaRakulini, S.; Pholtan Rajeev, S.; Sounthararajan, K.
2015Importance of "Envagai thervugal" in Siddha diagnosisSounthararajan, K.
2021Indhuppu (rock salt) in Siddita aspect: a reviewSripandurangana, R.; Sounthararajan, K.
2020A literature review on aloe vera and its therapeutic values in traditional medicineSwasthiha, S.; Sukirtharuban, S.; Umaluxcy, K.; Roshana, M.N.; Sounthararajan, K.
2018Literature review on medicinal preparations mentioned in authentic Siddha text books for Moola noiKirusaany, K.; Sounthararajan, K.
2021Literature Review on Medicines for Vata Diseases In Authentic Siddha Textbook of "Pararajasekaram"Sripandurangana, R.; Sounthararajan, K.
2016Literature review on Mud therapySivalathajini, V.; Sounthararajan, K.
2015Literature study on effects of music to the udatholiliyal function of the yakkai in siddha aspectsSivalathajini, V.; Sounthararajan, K.; Nirosh, R.
2015Medicinal uses and Pharmacological activity of Mothirakanni (Hugonia mystax Linn). - A ReviewSounthararajan, K.; Vidya Dharshini, K.; Sivaranjini, S.
2024Molecular docking analysis to validate the efficacy of Polyherbal Siddha Formulation Seethabedhi Chooranam for Anti-diarrhoeal activityRakulini, S.; Sounthararajan, K.; Sivashanmugarajah., S.