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Showing results 1 to 20 of 67  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Application of e-Marketing Tools at Keells Super, Sri LankaChathuranga, W.M.N.; Shivany, S.
2010Attitude as the determinant of Mobile Advertising Acceptance and the Moderating effect of Control FacilitiesShivany, S.
2018Billboard Advertisement StrategiesShivany, S.
2018Branding Problems of Jaffna Made Products: A Multiple Case Studies of Manufacturers in Jaffna District.Malathy, R.K.M.; Shivany, S.
2015The cases of women (micro) marketers in northern province, Sri LankaShivany, S.; Velnampy, T.; Kajendra, K.
2017Challenges Faced by Diary Producers for Pursing Sustainable Livelihood in Mullaithivu DistrictShivany, S.; Vaikunthavasan, S.; Piriya, M.
2015Consumer responses towards the 4ps marketing strategies in the conflict affected areas of Sri Lanka: a grounded theory approachShivany, S.; Velnampy, T.; Kajendra, K.
2016Content Analysis of Green Advertisement Messages Conveyed by, Small Medium, & Micro Enterprises in Northern ProvinceShivany, S.
2018Content Analysis of Promotional Messages Conveyed by Retailers in Mannar DistrictMary Theresa, S.; Shivany, S.
2016Content Analysis of Tamil TV Commercials Aimed at Women in the Post War ContextShivany, S.; Velnampy, T.
2018Critical Discourse Analysis of Sinhala Cultural Identity in Celebrity Endorsement in Newspaper AdvertisementsJayasingha, S.M.; Shivany, S.
2016Critical discourse analysis of Tamil cultural identity in celebrity endorsement in advertisementsShivany, S.
2018Customers' characteristics of behavior to use tech-marketing in banks Propositions for future researchDilogini, S.; Shivany, S.; Asoka Malkanthie, M.A.
2018Customers' characteristics of behaviour to use tech-marketing in banks: Propositions for future researchDilogini, S.; Shivany, S.; Asoka Malkanthie, M.A.
2018Customers' characteristics of behaviour to use tech-marketing in banks: Propositions for future researchDilogini, S.; Shivany, S.; Asoka Malkanthie, M.A.
2015Determinants of demand in hotel industry Special reference: Jaffna DistrictSothilingam, V.; Shivany, S.; Sivapragasam, S.
2015E-Banking Service Qualities, E-Customer Satisfaction, and e-Loyalty: A conceptual ModelSathiyavany, N.; Shivany, S.
2024The Emerging Digital Ecosystem of Online Marketing for Startups in the Covid-19 Era: Insights from Northern Province Sri Lanka.Shivany, S.; Dilogini, S.; Jegashini, K.; Pathmaraj, P.
2011An empirical investigation of the effect of customer participation on ATM’S service performance.Shivany, S.