Browsing by Author Selvaratnam, G.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Acute myocardial injury after scorpion (Hottentotta tamulus) stingRatnayake, R.M.U.K.B.; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.
2018Acute non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: a rare side effect of olanzapineApirami, M.; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.; Sujanitha, K.; Guruparan, M.
2018Cardiogenic Shock: An Unusual Initial Presentation of Churg-Strauss SyndromeApirami, M.; Pradeepan, J.A.; Kumanan, T.; Guruparan, M.; Selvaratnam, G.
2018A Case of fatal acute fatty liver of pregnancy and literature reviewPerera, Irushna Antonette; Pradeepan, J.A.; Mayorathan, Uruthirapasupathy; Kumanan, T.; Muhunthan, K.; Selvaratnam, G.
2017Clinical and virological characteristics of the first two outbreak of dengue in a region without a past history of dengueMurugananthan, K.; Coonghe, P. A. D.; Kumanan, T.; Murugananthan, A.; Selvaratnam, G.; Sivansuthan, S.; Sathiadas, M.G.; Ketheesan, N.; Careem, M.F.A.; Noordeen, F.
2017Crouzon’s syndrome: Case report and literature reviewGajawathana, S.; Suganthan, N.; Kumanan, T.; Malaravan, M.; Selvaratnam, G.
2019Duodenal biopsy: an unexpected confirmatory test for a patient with al-amyloidosisPirasath, S.; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.; Sujanitha, V.; Dikowita, D.D.
2015Etoricoxib‑ induced pleural effusion: A case for rational use of analgesicsBalasingam, Nisahan; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.
2020Extensive Superior Vena Caval Territory Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism: a rare clinical entity of haemorrhagic pancreatitisThineskaran, P.; Abiramy, K.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Selvaratnam, G.
2016Homicidal Strangulation: Uncommon Cause of Noncardiogenic Pulmonary OedemaPirasath, S.; Selvaratnam, G.; Kumanan, T.; Suganthan, N.
2018Isolated Spinal Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis is a Close Mimic of Pott’s Disease in the TropicsAnushika Luckmy, Solangaarachchige; Kumanan, T.; Suganthan, N.; Selvaratnam, G.; Pathmini, Sheyamalan; Ranathunga, Niluka
2024Late Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Manifests As Lupus Nephritis, A Rare PresentationPakeerathan, A.; Sujanitha, V.; Selvaratnam, G.; Pradeepan, J.A.; Brammah, R.T.
2024Macrophage Activation Syndrome complicated with acute pancreatitis as the first presentation of Systemic lupus ErythematosusJenosha, I.; Sujanitha, V.; Selvaratnam, G.; Pradeepan, J.A.
2021Macular star: an unusual sign of pheochromocytomaArujun, R.; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.; Sujanitha, V.; Malaravan, M.; Sutharshan, V.
2020Medicines prescribed for patients with chronic asthma followed up at teaching hospital jaffnaGuruparan, Y.; Selvaratnam, G.; Thiyahiny, S.N.; Sri Ranganathan, S.
2017Melioidosis in northern sri Lanka: Filling the gap in the mapMubarak, F.N.; Corea, E.M.; Cooray, B.J.R.; Indranath, K.; Peranantharajah, T.; Pratheepan, G.J.; Sivasuthan, S.; Uthayakumaran, S.; Thavapalan, S.; De Silva A.D.; Ghetheeswaran, S.; Kumanan, T.; Pradeepan, J.A.; Selvaratnam, G.; Suganthan, N.
2016Melioidosis: Emerging infection in Northern Sri LankaPirasath, S.; Selvaratnam, G.; Kumanan, T.; Pradeepan, J.; Mubarak, F.N.
2014Microscopic haematuria: a rare presentation of typhoid feverNisahan, Balasingam; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.
2017Multidisciplinary Approach: An Essential Step in Diagnosing Granulomatous DiseaseSujanitha, V.; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.; Giridaran, S.
2020Patient reported outcome measures to assess the effectiveness of Inhaled medications in asthmaGuruparan, Y.; Selvaratnam, G.; Nalika, Gunawardena; Thiyahiny, S.N.; Sri Ranganathan, S.