Browsing by Author Murugananthan, A.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Amoebic liver abscess in northern Sri Lanka: first report of immunological and molecular confirmation of aetiologyKannathasan, S.; Murugananthan, A.; Kumanan, T.; Iddawala, D.; Renuka de Silva, N.; Rajeshkannan, N.; Haque, R.
2016Amoebic liver abscess: an unusual cause for a right iliac fossa mass: a case reportRatnasamy, V.; Kumanan, T.; Kannathasan, S.; Murugananthan, A.
2014Awareness and perceptions on prevention, first aid and treatment of snakebites among Sri Lankan farmers: a knowledge practice mismatch?Silva, A.; Marikar, F.; Murugananthan, A.; Agampodi, S.
2023Characteristics of the initial dengue outbreaks in a region without dengue prior to mid-2009 in a dengue-endemic countryKalamathy, M.; Coonghe, P.A.D.; Kumanan, T.; Murugananthan, A.; Gowri, S.; Sivansuthan, S.; Sathiadas, M. G.; Ketheesan, N.; Careem, F.A.; Noordeen, F.
2017Clinical and virological characteristics of the first two outbreak of dengue in a region without a past history of dengueMurugananthan, K.; Coonghe, P. A. D.; Kumanan, T.; Murugananthan, A.; Selvaratnam, G.; Sivansuthan, S.; Sathiadas, M.G.; Ketheesan, N.; Careem, M.F.A.; Noordeen, F.
2010Cloning and characterisation of alkali myosin light chain gene (MLC-3) of cattle filarial parasite setaria digitataMurugananthan, A.; Eric Hamilton, K.; Kamani Hemamala, T.
2009Cloning and Characterisation of alkali myosin light chain gene of cattle filarial parasite, setaria digitataMurugananthan, A.; Karunanayake, E.H.; Tennekoon, K.H.
2009Cloning, sequencing and characterization of filarial parasite's specific genesSamarakoon, S.S.R.; Murugananthan, A.; Karunanayake, E.H.; Tennekoon, K.H.
2021Comparative Evaluation of in - vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Sap, Fruit bulb, and Root of Borassus flabelliferThuvaragan, S.; Jeyasinghe, H.M.P.M.; Murugananthan, A.
2023Comparative Evaluation of RT-PCR Kits Available in Sri Lanka for Diagnosis of COVID-19Kanchana, P.A.; Murugananthan, A.; Amalraajan, P.T.; Mithusha, T.; Gayathri, R.; Kalamathy, M.; Shakila, K.G.
2015A Cost efective feasible method to transport dengue viral nucleic acid in ambient temprature for next generation sequencingMurugananthan, K.; Murugananthan, A.; Chernick, A.; Frank van, D. M.; Noordeen, F.
2012Cutaneous larva migrans among devotees of the Nallur temple in Jaffna, Sri LankaKannathasan, S.; Murugananthan, A.; Rajeshkannan, N.; Nilanthy Renuka, D. S.
2023Cytomorphological Variations of Leishman-Donovan Bodies Found in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients in Sri LankaMurugananthan, A.; Kanchana, P.A.; Gayanie, W.R.; Ponnathurai, T.A.; Rajadurai, A.
2013Diversity and Identification Key to the Species of ScorpionsVeronika, K.; Akilan, K.; Murugananthan, A.; Eswaramohan, T.
2010Effect of mukkudu maathrai (korosanai) treatment on serum prolactin secretion in ratsKanisra Mary, F.; Eswaramohan, T.; Murugananthan, A.; Romakeswaran, P.
2018Epidemiology and factors associated with amoebic liver abscess in northern Sri LankaKannathasan, S.; Murugananthan, A.; Kumanan, T.; Nilanthi Renuka, D. S.; Rajeshkannan, N.; Haque, R.; Iddawala, D.
2015Epidemiology of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever in the Northern in Sri Lanka from 2009 to 2012Murugananthan, K.; Murugananthan, A.; Careem, M. F. A.; Noordeen, F.
2019Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Leaf and Bark of Craetiva religiosaDilipan, T.; Kandeepan, K.; Thuvaragan, S.; Murugananthan, A.
2019Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Leaf and Bark of Craetiva religiosaDilipan, T.; Kandeepan, K.; Thuvaragan, S.; Murugananthan, A.
2022Evaluation of in-vitro anthelminthic activity of ethanolic and aqueous extract of bark and leaves of Crataeva religiosaDilipan, D.; Thuvaragan, S.; Murugananthan, A.