Browsing by Author Jegapragash, V.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 45  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Awareness and knowledge on human papillomavirus vaccination among grade six female students in the nallur education divisionYoganathan, P.; Jegapragash, V.; Rajeev, G.
2021Barriers and facilitators of preoperative patient education among nurses in surgical wards/units at Teaching Hospital, JaffnaAththanayaka, A.M.R.M.B.; Jegapragash, V.; Premakrishna, S.
2021COVID-19 infection prevention and control practices and associated factors among nurses at National institute of infectious diseases hospital, Sri LankaLuxman, K.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Jegapragash, V.; Nivetha, K.
2020Effect of head injury and influencing factors and cognitive function of patients attending neurosurgical clinic teaching hospital, JaffnaKrishnananthan, C.K.; Sivayokan, S.; Ragavan, S.; Jegapragash, V.
2018Evaluation of Glycemic Control, BMI, and Knowledge on Diabetes Mellitus among Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus Based on GenderJegapragash, V.; Aravinthan, M.
2024Factors associated with knowledge on blood donation among the undergraduates of University of JaffnaTharmini, N.; Vanavan, V.; Jegapragash, V.; Hettiarachchi, A.N.
2024Factors associated with knowledge on blood donation among the undergraduates of University of JaffnaTharmini, N.; Vanavan, V.; Jegapragash, V.; Hettiarachchi, A.N.
2023Factors associated with knowledge on gastritis among undergraduates of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of JaffnaAtapattu, A.M.P.R.; Jayasooriya, R.L.A.S.; Jegapragash, V.; Vathulan, S.
2023Factors associated with knowledge on gastritis among undergraduates of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of JaffnaAtapattu, A. M. P. R.; Jayasooriya, R. L. A.S.; Jegapragash, V.; Vathulan, S.
2024Factors associated with knowledge on self-administration of eye drop instillation among Glaucoma patients attending Eye clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaAmeliya Rachel, J.A.; Meera, S.; Jegapragash, V.; Malaravan, M.
2023Factors associated with knowledge on self-administration of eye drop instillation among Glaucoma patients attending Eye clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaAmeliya Rachel, J. A.; Meera, S.; Jegapragash, V.; Malaravan, M.
2024Factors associated with practice on self-administration of eye drop instillation among glaucoma patients attending Eye clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaMeera, S.; Ameliya Rachel, J.A.; Jegapragash, V.; Malaravan, M.
2023Factors associated with practice on self-administration of eye drop instillation among glaucoma patients attending Eye clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaMeera, S.; Ameliya Rachel, J. A.; Jegapragash, V.; Malaravan, M.
2024Factors associated with quality of life of breast cancer patients who have completed treatment at Oncology clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaVishnuveni, K.; Puvithira, T.; Jegapragash, V.; Thanenthiran, A.
2023Factors associated with quality of life of breast cancer patients who have completed treatment at Oncology clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaVishnuveni, K.; Puvithira, T.; Jegapragash, V.; Thanenthiran, A. J.
2020Factors influence the practice on oral hygiene and dietary habits with fixed appliances among patients receiving orthodontic treatment in orthodontic clinic at teaching hospital JaffnaRobin, R.M.; Sathiyakumar, P.; Jegapragash, V.
2020Factors influencing the activities of daily living among patients with parkinson's disease attending movement disorder clinic at teaching hospital, JaffnaAmirthalingam, T.; Keshavaraj, A.; Jegapragash, V.
2020Hypoglycaemia prevention practices among diabetic patients attending the Diabetic Centre, Teaching Hospital JaffnaWickramasinghe, R.P.S.D.; Jegapragash, V.; Aravinthan, M.; Coonghe, P. A. D.
2021Knowledge and associated factors on prevention of deep vein thrombosis among the nurses working at Teaching Hospital JaffnaThilini, P.K.; Jegapragash, V.; Sarma, S.T.
2024Knowledge and Factors Influencing Self-care Behaviors of Arteriovenous Fistula among CKD Patients in Hemodialysis Units in the Jaffna PeninsulaAppuhamy, K.D.S.M.; Kaushalya, L.S.; Jegapragash, V.; Thangaraja, B.R.