Browsing by Author Guruparan, M.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016An acute coronary event due to vasospasm in a young healthy male with normal epicardial vesselsSeneviratne, T.S.P.; Kumanan, T.; Logeswaran, M.; Guruparan, M.
2018Acute non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: a rare side effect of olanzapineApirami, M.; Kumanan, T.; Selvaratnam, G.; Sujanitha, K.; Guruparan, M.
2019Cardiac Manifestations of Thevetia peruviana Poisoning: A Descriptive Study from Northern Sri LankaPirasath, Selladurai; Suganthan, N.; Kumanan, T.; Guruparan, M.
2018Cardiogenic Shock: An Unusual Initial Presentation of Churg-Strauss SyndromeApirami, M.; Pradeepan, J.A.; Kumanan, T.; Guruparan, M.; Selvaratnam, G.
2020Changing role of warfarin in a cardiology outpatient department - A single centre experience from a state tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka.Jenosha, I.; Sujanitha, V.; Kumanan, T.; Guruparan, M.; Pratheepa, K.
2024Diagnostic accuracy of digital technologies compared with 12-lead ECG in the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in adults: A protocol for a systematic reviewAntony Sheron, V.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Tiffany, E.G.; Krishnarajah, N.; Kumarendran, B.; Kumaran, S.; Shribavan, K.; Powsiga, U.; Guruparan, M.
2023Factors associated with knowledge of hypertension among hypertensive patients at the Teaching hospital, Jaffna, Sri LankaThanusika, N.; Bandara, A.G.D.I.; Thuvaragan, S.; Guruparan, M.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2019Factors Associated with Visit-to-Visit Variability of Blood Pressure Measured as Part of Routine Clinical Care among Patients Attending Cardiology Outpatient Department of a Tertiary Care Centre in Northern Sri LankaKumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Guruparan, M.; Rajeshkannan, N.
2022Healthcare provider and patient perspectives on access to and management of atrial fbrillation in the Northern Province, Sri Lanka: a rapid evaluation of barriers and facilitators to careVethanayagam, A.S.; Shivany, S.; Gooden, T.E.; Guruparan, M.; Kumarendran, B.; Gregory, Y.H.; Semira, M.H.; Krishnarajah, N.; Shribavan, K.; Subaschandren, K.; Hanifa, R.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Neil Thomas, G.; Powsiga, U.; Sheila, G.; Deirdre, A.L.; Abi Beane
2022Healthcare provider and patient perspectives on access to and management of atrial fibrillation in the Northern Province, Sri LankaVethanayagam, A.S.; Shivany, S.; Gooden, T.E.; Guruparan, M.; Balachandran, K.; Gregory, Y.H.L.; Semira Manaseki, H.; Krishnarajah, N.; Shribavan, K.; Subaschandren, K.; Haniffa, R.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Neil Thomas, G.; Powsiga, U.; Sheila, G.; Deirdre, A.L.; Abi, B.
2020Hypertension in a surgical patient - a Sri Lankan perspectiveKumanan, T.; Sujanitha, V.; Guruparan, M.; Premakrishna, S.; Sutharshan, V.
2023The impact of rate and rhythm control strategies on quality of life for patients with atrial fbrillation: a protocol for a systematic reviewPowsiga, U.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Gooden, T.E.; Gregory, Y.H.L.; Neil Thomas, G.; Nirantharakumar, K.; Kumarendran, B.; Kumaran, B.; Shribavan, K.; Vethanayagam, A.S.; Guruparan, M.
2019Implications of new Hypertension Guidelines on resource poor healthcare systemsSreeharan, N.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, K.; Guruparan, M.
2016Interrupted aortic arch in an adultKumanan, T.; Guruparan, M.; Gnanakanthan, K.; Ratnayake, U.K.
2019Knowledge & practices related to diet & its correlates among the ischemic heart disease patients attending to cardiology clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaYanuthy, U.; Coonghe, P.A.D.; Guruparan, M.; Kamalarupan, L.
2021Knowledge and practice regarding usage of sublingual glyceryl trinitrateThanujah, M.; Thuvaragan, S.; Coonghe, P. A. D.; Guruparan, M.
2019Knowledge and practices related to diet and its correlates among the Islamic heart disease patients attending to cardiology clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaYanuthy, U.; Coonghe, P. A. D.; Guruparan, M.; Kamalarupan, L.
2023Knowledge of atorvastatin and associated factors on knowledge among the patients with ischemic heart disease at Teaching hospital, Jaffna, Sri LankaKodelinishiya, A.; Kowsika, K.; Yathusha, K.; Thuvaragan, S.; Guruparan, M.
2023Knowledge of cardiovascular disease among three-wheeler drivers in Anuradhapura police divisionGunarathne, W.G.R.; Lakshani, L.B.N.; Kamalarupan, L.; Guruparan, M.
2020Knowledge on Diet among the Ischemic Heart Disease Patients Attending Cardiology Clinic at Teaching Hospital JaffnaYanuthy, U.; Coonghe, P.A.D.; Guruparan, M.; Kamalarupan, L.