Browsing by Author Chrishanthi, R.

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A case report: Female primary urethral carcinoma presenting as vulval massBalagobi, B.; Abiharan, P.; Nalini, R.; Chrishanthi, R.; Theepan, J.; Heerthikan, K.
2023“Current”, “heated rods” & “hot vapour”: Why patients refuse radiotherapy as a treatment modality for cancer in Northern Sri LankaMahadevan, J.; Appudurai, R.; Shobikgha, S.; Kumar, R.; Chrishanthi, R.
2013The Perceived psychosocial needs of the cancer patientsGenoosha, N.; Sivayogan, S.; Chrishanthi, R.
2014The Role of computed tomography on upstaging of breast cancer in newly diagnosed asymptomatic breast cancer patients at teaching hospital, Jaffna.Chrishanthi, R.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thamayanthi, T.; Suvithra, P.
2020The role of staging Computed Tomography on detection of occult metastasis in asymptomatic breast cancer patientsChrishanthi, R.; Thamayanthy, S.; Suvithra, C.; Kavitha, I.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2013A Study on the perceived psychosocial needs of the cancer patients presenting to teaching hospital JaffnaGenoosha, N.; Sivayogan, S.; Chrishanthi, R.
2024Who decides? ‘Shared’ decision-making in the surgical treatment of early breast cancer in northern Sri LankaChrishanthi, R.; Kumar, R.; Gopikha, S.; Dhivya, T.; Suman, M.; Sutharshan, V.
2024Why do women with early breast cancer in Northern Sri Lanka undergo mastectomy? Decision-making and ways forwardChrishanthi, R.; Kumar, R.; Dhivya, S.T.; Gopikha, S.; Muthulingam, S.; Vengadasalam, S.
2024Why do women with early breast cancer in Northern Sri Lanka undergo mastectomy? Decision-making and ways forwardChrishanthi, R.; Kumar, R.; Thuseetharan, D.; Sivakumar, G.; Muthulingam, S.; Vengadasalam, S.