Browsing by Author Sritharan, A.

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Showing results 4 to 11 of 11 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Knowledge and attitude of pap smear testing and associated socio demographic factors among women between ages of 21 to 65 years attending the OPD at Divisional Hospital, KondavilDiruba, N.; Sansaluja, K.; Kumar, R.; Sritharan, A.; Coonghe, P. A. D.
2021Knowledge on postpartum contraception and associated factors among antenatal women admitted to the obstetric wards in the Teaching Hospital JaffnaRifka Banu, A.A.; Anujan, M.; Sajitha, M.S.F.; Shanthatharany, S.; Weerasinghe, K.S.S.; Kumarendran, B.; Sritharan, A.
2020Participation in pre-pregnancy counselling among primi women attending antenatal clinics at Teaching Hospital JaffnaSenevirathne, B.P.K.L.; Gulegoda, S.W.G.; Garchicca, S.; Sritharan, A.; Kumarendran, B.
2018Practices of Pap smear testing and associated sociodemographic factors among women attending the OPD at Divisional Hospital, KondavilDiruba, N.; Sansaluja, K.; Kumar, R.; Sritharan, A.; Coonghe, P. A. D.
2024Prevalence of common menstrual problems and their association with psychological stress among female medical students of University of JaffnaDilshan, A.G.P.; Nishahari, E.; Minoli, H.E.; Nibal, M.F.A.; Ahamed, F.R.R.; Shivaganesh, S.; Sritharan, A.
2014Study on Traditional Hair Oil in The Management of DepressionSritharan, A.; Sritharan, G.
2010A Surgical dilemma : ruptured mature cystic teratoma in advanced pregnancyGuruparan, K.; Sivakaran, Y.; Sritharan, A.
2010A surgical dilemma : ruptured mature cystic teratoma in advanced pregnancyGuruparan, K.; Sivakaran, Y.; Sritharan, A.