Browsing by Author Sivakanthan, S.

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Showing results 35 to 54 of 64 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Enhancement of Lipid Content in Chlorella sp. by Providing Stress Conditions during CultivationMihiraj, R.A.I.S.; Abinayan, I.; Ketheesan, B.; Sivakanthan, S.; Vasantharuba, S.
2020Enhancement of Lipid Content in Chlorella sp. by Providing Stress Conditions during CultivationMihiraj, R.A.I.S.; Abinayan, I.; Sivakanthan, S.; Vasantharuba, S.
2018Evaluation of Antioxidant properties of Cassia auriculata L. Flower ExtractsKajani, S.; Sivakanthan, S.; Vasantharuba, S.
2020Evaluation of Effect of Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Leaf Extract on Stability of Palm Oil during HeatingJayasekara, I.R.N.D.; Sivakanthan, S.
2020Evaluation of Effect of Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Leaf Extract on Stability of Palm Oil during Heating.Jayasekara, I.R.N.D.; Sivakanthan, S.
2022Evaluation of Fat Content and Fatty Acid Profile of Selected Bakery Products Available in Jaffna District, Sri LankaThivya, S.; Sivakanthan, S.
2024Fabrication of novel oleogel enriched with bioactive compounds and assessment of physical, chemical, and mechanical properties and storage stabilitySivakanthan, S.; Fawzia, S.; Mundree, S.; Madhujith, T.; Karim, A.
2021Factors associated with the patients’ attitudes towards medical students’ involvement in patient care among inward patients in the medical wards of Teaching Hospital JaffnaVaishnavi, T.; Sathurvethan, P.; Pavithra, M.; Viduranga, M.N.; Dayarathne, P.W.M.J.C.; Murali, V.; Sivakanthan, S.; Sivansuthan, S.
2017Influence of different cooking methods on the antioxidant activity of Local Pumpkin Variety (cucurbita maxima) cultivated in jaffna district, Sri lankaThanuja, S.; Sivakanthan, S.; Vasantharuba, S.
2018Influence of Different Cooking Methods on the Antioxidant Activity of Local Pumpkin Variety (Cucurbita maxima) Cultivated in Jaffna DistrictThanuja, S.; Sivakanthan, S.; Vasantharuba, S.
2017Influence of Different Cooking Methods on the Antioxidant Activity of Local Pumpkin Variety (Cucurbita maxima) Cultivated in Jaffna District, Sri LankaThanuja, S.; Vasantharuba, S.; Sivakanthan, S.
2018Influence of socio-demographic factors and institutional infrastructure facilities on satisfaction of pregnant mothers attending ante-natal clinics in the Nallur MOH areaDissanayake, D.M.I.M.; Illangasinghe, U.S.; Nachinarkiniyan, C.S.; Sivakanthan, S.; Bavani, G.
2018The influence of various cooking methods on the antioxidant compounds of local carrot variety (Daucus carota) cultivated in Jaffna DistrictThanuja, S.; Sivakanthan, S.; Vasantharuba, S.
2024Investigation of the influence of minor components and fatty acid profile of oil on properties of beeswax and stearic acid-based oleogelsSivakanthan, S.; Fawzia, S.; Mundree, S.; Madhujith, T.; Karim, A.
2020Knowledge, attitude, and practice on first aid and their influencing factors among Advanced Level students of the Nallur Education Division, JaffnaPirathees, P.; Thibakar, S.; Dimbulana, S.S.H.M.Y.H.S.; Kesavan, R.; Sivakanthan, S.
2020Knowledge, attitude, and practices relating to nutrition and their associated factors among pregnant mothers in the Chankanai MOH areaAppuhamy, P.A.D.S.P.; Kumar, S.T.; Dharmasena, K.M.B.; Kesavan, R.; Sivakanthan, S.; Peranantharajah, T.
2023Optimization and characterization of new oleogels developed based on sesame oil and rice bran oilSivakanthan, S.; Fawzia, S.; Mundree, S.; Madhujith, T.; Karim, A.
2017Optimization of enzymatic interesterification of coconut (Cocos nucifera) and sesame (Sesamum indicum) oils using Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase by response surface methodologySivakanthan, S.; Madhujith, T.
2019Optimization of the Production of Structured Lipid by Enzymatic Interesterification from Coconut (Cocos nucifera) and Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Oils using Response Surface MethodologySivakanthan, S.; Madhujith, T.; Jayasooriya, A.P.
2019Oxidative stability of edible plants oilsMadhujith, T.; Sivakanthan, S.