Browsing by Author Sathiadas, M.G.

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Showing results 23 to 42 of 71 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019The doctor as the patient educatorSathiadas, M.G.
2021Efficient mentorshipSathiadas, M.G.
2019Factors associated with the knowledge on epilepsy among final year students in college of nursing, northern province, Sri lankaGamija, G.; Kamalarupan, L.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2016The Gut microbiota and potential importance in paediatricsSathiadas, M.G.
2022Health management and patient careSathiadas, M.G.
2019Household practice on administration & storage of reconstituted medicinal syrups and influencing factors on it among parents of paediatric patients at OPD pharmacy, Teaching Hospital, JaffnaAbiramy, K.; Thuvaragan, S.; Sathiadas, M.G.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2021Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on childrenSathiadas, M.G.
2018Influence of gestational age on birth profile of preterm babies born in teaching hospital, JaffnaSasrubi, S.; Arasaratnam, V.; Sathiadas, M.G.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2021Influence of sociodemographic factors on parental knowledge on usage of antibiotics and prescription pattern of antibiotics among OPD pediatric patients at Teaching Hospital JaffnaKularathna, W.N.S.M.; Thuvaragan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2023Intelligent KindnessSathiadas, M.G.
2017Kawasaki disease shock syndrome: three casesSathiadas, M.G.; Nirubaa, Umashankar; Ragunathan, Reginold; Thangarajah, Kasthuri
2020Knowledge and attitude on autism spectrum disorder among public health midwives of Jaffna DistrictSriskantharajah, L.; Thabotharan, Deivy; Kamalarupan, L.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2020Knowledge and attitude on complementary feeding practices among parents or main care givers of children aged less than six months admitted to paediatric wards at TH/JaffnaTharanitharan, P.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2020Knowledge and practice in prevention of childhood obesity and factors associated with practice among mothers attending well-baby clinics in the Jaffna MOH AreaSivapalan, S.; Kamalarupan, L.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2020Knowledge and practice in prevention of childhood obesity and factors associated with practice among mothers attending well-baby clinics in the Jaffna MOH AreaSivapalan, S.; Kamalarupan, L.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2020Knowledge and practice regarding parental self-medication among parents of paediatric patients at Teaching Hospital JaffnaYalini, K.; Kalki, P.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2016Knowledge of paracetamol among mothers of children admitted to paediatric units, teaching hospital JaffnaGuruparan, Y.; Sanchayan, K.; Sathiadas, M.G.; Thiyahiny, S.N.
2020Knowledge on child developmental milestones, developmental stimulation and associated sociodemographic factors among parents attending child welfare clinics in MOH KaraveddyLakshana, K.; Niroshan, R.; Leelarathne, D.M.G.S.N.; Mathanraj, C.J.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2020Knowledge on prebiotics and probiotics and associated factors among state pharmacists in the Northern ProvinceNasrifa, M.H.F.; Kalki, P.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2014Maternal knowledge and awareness on new child health development recordSathiadas, M.G.; Gunalini, Q.V.; Nishanthiny, K.; Arooran, K.