Browsing by Author Muhunthan, K.

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Showing results 49 to 59 of 59 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Sertoli-leydig cell tumour - a rare androgen secreting ovarian tumour in a postmenopausal womanThuvarathipan, R.; Thanuya, M.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2013A study on influence of pre-pregnant BMI & gestational weight gain on pregnancy outcomes among mothers admitted for delivery in teaching hospital JaffnaJoseph, S.A.; Visagan, S.; Muhunthan, K.; Coonghe, P. A. D.
2021A study on pregnant women with cardiac symptoms and their outcomes at Teaching Hospital JaffnaAhamed, H.; Guruparan, K.; Guruparan, M.; Muhunthan, K.
2022A Successful Fertility Outcome after Assisted Reproduction in a Woman with Endometrial Hyperplasia without Atypia Following Progesterone TherapyRaguraman, S.; Muhunthan, K.
2017Successful pregnancy outcome in a mother with Epstein’s anomaly and severe preeclampsiaMahendran, T.; Thuvarathipan, R.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2021Successful treatment of a cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy using a novel approach with oral mifepristone followed by trans cervical suction evacuation with prophylactic tranexamic acid: a case reportMuhunthan, K.; Jenil Amirthanathan, A.; Raguraman, S.; Guruparan, K.
2020Tranexamic acid -revival of an old drug to save mothers' livesMuhunthan, K.
2020Uptake of Pharmacological Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism in Postpartum Women After Introduction of Formal Risk Assessment Tool – a Quasi-experimental studyMuhunthan, K.; Guruparan, K.; Jothiji, S.; Aranee, B.
2013Urinary tract infection and asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women: causative organisms and antimicrobial sensitivity pattern.Guruparan, Krisnapillai; Guruparan, L.; Muhunthan, K.
2018What information and the extent of information research participants need in informed consent forms: a multi-country surveyKarbwang, Juntra; Koonrungsesomboon, Nut; Muhunthan, K.
2015Why anaemia is a major anternatal problem in Jaffna? a study to assess the field midwives knowledge on the issueThuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.